RHT Industries Limited
Über uns
RHT Industries Limited ist ein innovatives und technologisches Unternehmen mit Sitz in Hongkong. Der derzeitige Hauptsitz befindet sich im Hong Kong Science Park.
Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf die nachhaltige Entwicklung innovativer Technologien durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Mitgliedern des Entrepreneurship-Programms der Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Diese Zusammenarbeit führte zur Entwicklung und Patentierung der Luftreinigungstechnologie Nano-Confined Catalytic Oxidation (NCCO), die für mehrere Unternehmen, darunter über 200 Arztpraxen weltweit, tätig ist. Institutionen und private Organisationen wie HSBC, der Internationale Flughafen von Hongkong und die MTR Corporation nutzen ebenfalls unsere Produktlinie kommerzieller Produkte.
RHT hat erfolgreich RHT- und b-MOLA-Luftreinigungsprodukte für den Haushalt auf den Markt gebracht. Gegenwärtig gehört sie gemessen am Marktanteil zu den drei führenden Unternehmen in Hongkong. RHT Industries Limited verfügt über ein professionelles Forschungsteam mit Mitgliedern von bekannten Universitäten weltweit, darunter die Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, die University of British Columbia, Kanada, und die Universität Wien, Österreich. Unsere Teammitglieder erzielten beeindruckende Ergebnisse bei der Anwendung der Materialwissenschaften und schufen innovative Materialien, die unsere Lebensqualität verbessern.
Unsere Vision und Mission
RHT hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die fortschrittliche Übersee-Technologie unter Verwendung nachhaltiger Materialien zu kombinieren, unsere Marke international zu fördern und ein grünes Lebensumfeld für die nächste Generation zu schaffen.
Corporate Social Responsibility
RHT is actively involved in corporate social responsibilities. As a leader in the industry, sustainability is one of our key focuses. We are committed to a mission of sustainability by incorporating ESG factors at company policy level. The first ever project since our establishment was a collaboration with HKUST to develop patented technology NCCO (Nano-Confined Catalytic Oxidation) which tackles air pollution with an innovative approach. NCCO is kinder to the environment and more sustainable compared to other options in the market, which typically uses activated carbon filters with an average service life of 3 to 6 months. In the long run, this creates secondary pollution and industrial waste. NCCO technology is tested to have a lifespan of 12 years, which significantly reduces the pollution and wastage in the process of air purification.
It is our commitment to fulfil social responsibilities. Our mission is to provide better, innovative solutions for the general public by working with big institutions.
Our projects such as MT toilets, smoking lounges of Hong Kong Airport, in the Main Building of HSBC have benefited the mass public. Apart from educating the public on air purification and healthy lifestyle, RHT also stands with the public in fighting COVID-19. We have worked with Jiangsu Centre for Disease Control and Prevention to test NCCO's effectiveness in eliminating COVID-19 particles, which had a proven success rate of 99.98%.
We rise to the challenge of making a positive difference - at environmental, social, policy level. By turning our innovation into products that are sustainable, eco-friendly and effective, we make sure to bring positive impacts not only to our company, but also to society and the environment to build a better future.
Unser Netzwerk
Legacy of RHT Industries
Participation in the entrepreneurship program of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
NCCO has been applied to garbage station, public toilets of government projects and the smoking room of HK airport
Yamasa Tokei and Oregon Scientific were
licensed to use NCCO
RHT/ b-MOLA Brand created
b-MOLA brand enter into the consumer market in HK
Over 200 global hospitals have applied NCCO technology to safe guard their medical staffs. This technology can be found in retails such as Walmart in Canada and Rakuten in Japan.
Established in H.K.
One of the major testing institutions of Indoor Air Quality(IAQ) in H.K.NCCO technology was invented and accredited International patents
Phillips was licensed to use NCCO selling over 420K units globally
NCCO has been applied to commercial MTR, HSBC, IFC
NCCO started to explore the medical market
b-MOLA brand become the 1st local brand of air purification consumer products.
Started to enter into the global market such as the Mainland China, Asia Pacific countries and North America
Received sustainable technology award
Received awards and certifications about ESG and sustainability
Das Team kennenlernen
Dr. Cathy Jim
Doktor der Philosophie, HKUST;
Veröffentlichte mehr als 30 akademische Artikel im professionellen Bereich
Dr Ezra Kwok
Außerordentlicher Professor UBC
Dr Karl Lintner
PhD in Biochemie von der Universität Wien (Österreich)
Dr. Yeung Kee Sin Tony
PhD in Biochemie von der Universität Wien (Österreich)