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Household NCCO Air Treatment Unit
This Air Treatment Unit is powerful in our domestic range of products and is manufactured including our world-wide patented NCCO technology. Ideal for the removal of odour, bacteria/viruses, VOCs and formaldehyde from home and office
Simple design - flexibility for all room environment;
Two air ducts (lower left & upper right) - speeds up indoor ventilation.
Five air filtering treatment systems - provides highly efficient air purification
NCCO-Luftbehandlungseinheit für Haushalte
Einfaches Design - Flexibilität für alle Raumumgebungen;
Zwei Luftkanäle (unten links & oben rechts) - beschleunigt die Raumlüftung.
Fünf Luftfilter-Behandlungssysteme - sorgt für eine hocheffiziente Luftreinigung
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